[CR]Classic Colnago for sale, more info

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot)

Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 10:26:33 -0500
From: "David E. Siskind" <dsiskind@msn.com>
To: Classic Rendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]Classic Colnago for sale, more info

Sorry for the sketchy info.

The Colnago is a 60 cm ctr-to-top, red, made in Italy bike I bought at a garage sale, because I couldn't pass it by. It has mainly DuraAce components (cranks, front changer and brakes), some Campy (new seat post, Record sf hubs). The frame has no dents and appears undamaged other than scratches.

The wheels are sew ups and I think the rear is trashed. It has a large hop. Tires, strangly, still have air in them.

It was apparently raced in Tri's and generally neglected with ratty "decals" and tiny rust spots on the chromed fork. I have spent a few hours cleaning off grime and old grease.

Because I still use freewheels on most of my and wife's 25 or so bikes, I would like to keep the hubs. Therefore I have two prices: $300 with wheels and $200 without, postpaid in the USA via UPS. If picked up, I'll knock off $30.

If I can't sell it, I'll strip it and use the frame as a room divider, or something. I ride 57- and, at most, 58-cm frames so it's too big for me and and have already given other garage sale bikes to my taller kids. The wheels are a pain. Who wants sewup these days anyway? I used them for 30 years and that's enuf.

David Siskind