If you have some threads left I would try and put two nuts 3mm on to the adjuster and tighten them in to each other then after dousing it in Liquid Wrench for a few days try and unbolt it. Steven Willis 1778 East Second Street Scotch Plains NJ 07076 908-322-3330 http://www.thebikestand.com
> I've started cleaning up a frame that had one of the
> drop-out adjuster screws broken off inside the hole. Both
> ends of the screw are busted off.
> I've never had to deal with this particular problem before,
> but I know it's common.
> If I had any sense, I'd have this frame restored, repainted,
> etc. and the shop could deal with this problem... but this
> frame, rough as it is, is not going to be restored, so, any
> ideas on how to get that little section of screw out of the
> drop-out?
> Thanks for any help. Please e-mail me privately in addition
> to the list.
> Charles Andrews
> SoCal