Re: [CR]Paramount Question

(Example: Framebuilders:Rene Herse)

Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 15:06:03 -0400
Subject: Re: [CR]Paramount Question
From: "Fredrick Yavorsky" <>
To: John Clay <>, "" <>
In-Reply-To: <>

The P-13 (racing) Paramount came with no eyelets. The Catalog for that year says that the "short wheelbase and shallow fork rake combine to produce quick and responsive handling".

Here's a link to the specs for the P-13 1974 Paramont:

The P-15 Touring model says that "Larger wheelbase and increased fork rake combine to produce a more shock absorbing ride and greater stability under heavier touring loads.

Complete 1974 catalog:

I have a 71 P-13 in a 55cm frame. It's chanstays measure 41cm.

My 1966 P-15 is a 53cm with 44cm chainstays.

Your's sounds like best of both worlds.

What size is your frame? The dimesnions could be custom ordered, too.


********************************** Fred Yavorsky Jenkintown, PA

> From: "John Clay" <>
> Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 18:42:20 +0000
> To:
> Subject: [CR]Paramount Question
> My 74 Paramount has chainstays that are ~ 44 or 45 cm long. It has no
> touring brazeons so I assume it's not a tourer. It seems like an awfully
> friendly dimension for a non-touring bike though.
> * Was the Paramount conisdered a racing bike, a comfortable road bike or
> something else?
> * Were chainstays of this length typical of the time or just the
> Paramount?
> * Would it have been made with/for 27" or 622 wheels?
> John Clay
> Tallahassee, FL