This is just a guess but the bike is an early 80's frame built at a time when things were not at their best at Masi CA. Componentry is not attractive. It is a good deal for someone looking for a California built GC. The earlier GC's from the 70's are more collectable. Since we're in the middle of summer, alot of folks are away as well.
Matteo has a Masi Special on ebay for sale but its too small for me. If that was a 54-56, I would be on that auction.
See ya on Friday
Mike Schmidt
Stirling, NJ
> I was watching this one with interest and since it closed I feel safe
> discussing it now. Can anyone tell me why this one did not get any where
> near the price of other criteriums that have sold on ebay in the recent
> past. It would seem that there is something I do not know about this
> particular bike as the price is well below others in similar condition.
> Ray Homiski
> Elizabeth, NJ