
(Example: Production Builders)

Date: Thu, 01 Jul 2004 15:13:07 -0400
From: "greg arnold" <greg@nofatcomm.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]<no subject>

Chuck Schmidt writes:

"Richard Sachs can build a frame as good as anyone out there but "best of the best"? A more accurate statement would be "one of the best" meaning that when you get to the top of your craft you are among an elite group of equals.

Example: There is no one who loves bicycles more than me, but there are certainly many out there who love them to the same degree that I do."

Um, er, thanks for the grammar and semantics lesson. My qualifier was "Richard Sachs is CONSIDERED the best of the best..." by whom? Various writers and riders ... All opinions of course. Think Chateau D'Yquem. Or drink some ... And I will focus on my qualifiers from now on!

....'an elite group of equals'.... hmmmm Now THERE is a phrase rich with potential for linguistic and philosophical debate. :-)

My apologies to the etymologists among us ... and all those who hate email with sideways smiley faces.

Example: There are many out there who make finely detailed, beautifully finished, elegant steel frames, but there is no one who makes em better than Richard Sachs! ...in my opinion of course :-)

Greg Arnold NYC