Re: [CR]This guy's crazy! NOW 980 variations

(Example: Events)

Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 12:37:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
Subject: Re: [CR]This guy's crazy! NOW 980 variations
To: Byron Morton <>,
In-Reply-To: <>

I have one also, and the cosmetic details do seem to vary a bit from the one on eBay. I believe the 980 was introduced about the same time as C-Record (or at least the full C-Record group). My Circa 1986 Campy catalog shows C-Record, Victory, Triomphe and 980 in decending order of price. 980, unlike the others, was not a complete group, but only front and rear derailleurs and maybe shifters. It's possible 980 came out before C-Record, but I don't think so. Since C-Record cosmetics did change over the years, I guess it is not surprising that 980 did as well. 980 was mechanically very similar to NR/SR and probably shifted about as well, but most CR folks would not find it nearly as elegant looking.


Jerry Moos

Byron Morton <> wrote: My question is about the 980 derailleur - I hope this is not wandering too far off timeline.... I've got one NOS in the box, but it does not look quite like this one - mine lacks the 980 engraving and the 'fluting'. I think the limit screws are also different - i'll have to check mine tonight. So I guess there were multiple versions of this beast - which came first? Thanks for your input, Byron Morton Nashville, TN

--- Jerome & Elizabeth Moos wrote:
> Maybe he's not crazy after all. If someone actually
> pays the $159 opening price, let alone the $189 Buy
> It Now, the seller will be laughing all the way to
> the bank. And no buyer could ever claim that he
> misrepresented the goods. He simply asked for a
> price that no one familiar with what this item
> usually sells for would ever pay. A good example of
> why you should do some research before buying any
> sort of collectible.
> Regards,
> Jerry Moos
> Houston, TX
> Steven Willis wrote:
> Ok I get it now. I look up the item and it looked ok
> to me. The description
> was short and too the point then I saw the price. I
> got back off the floor
> to say thanks for the laugh.
> Steven Willis
> 1778 East Second Street
> Scotch Plains NJ 07076
> 908-322-3330
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Anderson, Robert"
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 7:43 AM
> Subject: [CR]This guy's crazy!
> > This guy has been mentioned on this list before
> (in a less than positive
> > way) but now I think he's gone off the deep end.
> Check out this auction
> for
> > a Campy 980 derailleur:
> >
> >
> >
> > Egads!
> >
> > Rob Anderson
> > Brooklyn, NY
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