Re: [CR]fwd: (CR) larz anderson

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing:Columbus)

Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2004 06:42:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
Subject: Re: [CR]fwd: (CR) larz anderson
To: stephen fredette <>,
In-Reply-To: <l03130302bd26c18d8d27@[]>

Strange that swap meets on public property are "banned in Boston". I think virtually every classic bike swap meet, including Cirque, is held on public property and that isn't a problem anywhere else. Probably too late for this year, but couldn't at least the CR crowd organize a swap at a separate site, maybe a hotel if most of the CR crowd stayed at the same one, like the Battleground Inn for Cirque? Or maybe Harris Cycles or another area shop could organize some additional events like CdO does for Cirque.


Jerry Moos Houston, TX

stephen fredette <> wrote:
>Hello Stephen,
>Please post this important information to the CR list.
>The Lars Anderson bicycle show will be held on August
>8. There is no swap, or sale of any kind associated
>with the show. The show is held on public grounds, and
>sale or exchange of parts or merhcnadise, without
>exclusive license, is against the law. I urge any
>attending to not even think abouty bending these rules
>as it will put the future of this show in jeopardy.
>FWIW, Lars is/was the first and oldest bicycle show in
>this country - emphasizing lightweights, but including
>(to my own personal chagrin) other forms bicycle
>design, including baloons, high wheelers, and sting
>rays. I have asked that a special category of
>Messenger Bikes be included this year, as a new genre
>of lightweight, hot rod design. Messengers do a great
>job with their bikes, and use them on a daily basis,
>and demonstrate very advanced skills in handling (as
>kakakaze as it is).
>Unfortunately, Lars has been very poorly promoted over
>the past coupe of years. I think in large part to
>those who organize it having little experience and
>acumen in event palnning and promotion, and partly due
>to the fact that the swap venue was cancelled a couple
>of years back. I think there was an issue about
>inflated fees for swap vendors that turned the whole
>thing sour - not to mention an unmanaged traffic
>backup that caused the police to shut it down.
>Last years show was a complete dissapointment. To
>begin with, the lightweight concours had some nice
>bikes, but should a 1985 Masi GC, dripping shiney with
>imron, win Best of Show? Should a Medici pro strada be
>considered in the Italian category? Heck, I brought
>two museum quality team bikes that were not even
>considered - a '48 Wilier Triestina and a Gloria La
>Garabaldina Extra. The Peoples Choice voting is for
>the birds - I like the idea of a cognoscenti award
>that holds a bit more prestige.
>But that aside, the Museum of Transportation at Lars
>Anderson park is a wonderful venue, with car shows
>every weekend. Last weekend was muscle car weekend,
>and previous weekends were dedicated to Italian Cars,
>German Cars, Sunbeams, British cars, Minis
>(Messerschmidts, Isetta's and the like - you should
>have seen the parade of a hundred of them entering the
>grounds - quite a surreal sight). The museum will
>NEVER support a 3 day event - neither the revenues nor
>the venue schedule support that idea. Although the
>museum supports the bicycle show, even though they
>have systematically sold virtually all of their
>bicycle collection, and refocused their charter on
>"Cars only", its still hopeful that the one day bike
>show can succeed. If not, then another venue (and
>organizer) will pick up the ball ...... hopefully. I
>personally feel a NY venue would be better (CP or
>'til then, I hope to see all of you on August 8. Bring
>a bike or two. Lightweights only...please. I'll be
>bringing the following:
>'48 Wilier la Triestina (special request)
>'37 Gloria la Garabaldina (special request)
>1960 Cinelli Pista Italian Team Rome Olympic Bike
>1984 Cinelli Laser Pursuit German team bike that
>didn't make it to the boycotted LA Olympics
>1973 Colnago Super Pantografata Strada (NY Show bike)
>1973 Colnago Super Pantografata Pista (NY Show bike)
>These bikes are serious eye candy. Bring your drool


>See you soon.


>Ken Denny
