And, I would also watch out for "Michél's Epicurian Velo-Ocities" in Soho. No telling what he threw into that "Fillet-Brazed Wiener-schnitzel"!
:-O, :-/, :-) Michael Lebron NYC
>Cc: Michael Butler <> ,
>Subject: Re: [CR] Apology to NK, [CR]A sad loss!
>Date: Sun, Jul 25, 2004, 7:00 PM
>Hello List:
>RE "At least Mike Lebron got an answer there were no crumbs at the table for
>me. I wonder if Mr. Lebron knows what a fish supper is let alone a pickled
>Sorry, no sad loss to me, I'm not buying any of this.
>For the record, because:
>1) I have not been even aware of this thread until now
>2) those who know me know that I have NEVER claimed to know the difference
>between a lugless frame and a fish supper, nor a welded frame and a pickled
>onion, or a dill pickle and a cottered crankset for that matter*
>3) I CAN detect an olfactory difference between the smell of pickled onions
>and p _ _ s,
>I therefore resent being drawn into Mick's p _ _ _ ing contest in this
>manner, and find an apology to be called for!!!
>Now, let me see if I can find the outset of this thread...
>As always, from your humble velo-gastronomist,
>Michael Lebron
>*I'd stay away from "Mike's Velo-Cafe" in Manhattan's East Village if I were