Auto parts and motorcycle shops often sell chrome tape kits for customizing and covering damage.
If you find something with weak adhesive, 3M makes a plastic emblem and trim adhesive for exterior applications. It can be used to bond thin metals.
Suppliers that cater to people who make their own fishing lures often have a variety of shiny metalic tapes available. If you find what you need there, be careful riding where the big barracudas are feeding, like New York.
Dennis Young
Hotaka, Japan
> Ahoy!
> I have need of replacing the thin, "chrome" foil self-adhesive banding,
> approx. 1 inch wide, which happens to be on the seat tube.
> Any suggestions for sources of good quality material? Be nice to find
> something that would last as long as the original. I cannot say that the usual
> sources of transfers offer this.
> I would suppose a hardware chain-store or Warshawsky's would have chroem tape
> but...
> Regards,
> Richard Cielec
> Chicago, Illinois