[CR] Help on Ernie Clements Frame

(Example: Framebuilders:Masi)

Date: 21 Aug 2004 11:31:50 -0700
From: "Michael Butler" <allondon@rock.com>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR] Help on Ernie Clements Frame

Hi All, Any help would be appreciated on dating this frame or deciphering the Nervex number does it mean anything? Enclosed a message I sent to a friend who is clued up on this make but any other help would be most welcome.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sue & Michael <butlers@rock.com&gt ;
> To: <leach.vue@virgin.net&gt ;
> CC: <allondon@rock.com&gt ;
> Subject: Ernie Clements 3286
> Hello James,
> Still no sign of the digital camera, real bugger as I use it for my
> autistic son. Show him pictures of the things he needs on the LCD
> screen, absolute godsend as he can' speak.
> Anyway will let you have pictures when I get a camera, for the time
> being he is a brief description of the Clements find.
> Ernie Clements frame No.3286 (under BB) 23" road frame 531 Reynolds
> butted tubing, Nervex lugs serial No640D222E38 the 0 after the 4 is a
> degree sign and the third 2 is a tiny lower case 2.
> Brazed on single pump peg on rear of seat tube, single cable stops for
> derailleur cables on right side of BB and right chainstay. Ernie Clement
> typical gear rear ends without the gear hanger.
> Finished in blue flam with white head panel, chrome fork crown and lugs
> lined in gold, plus gold box lining and other gold fancy lining to forks
> chainstays etc.
> Transfers consist of small type Reynolds 531 butted on ST, Ernie
> Clements white DT transfer, world rainbow seat bands, white diamond
> Ernie Clement seat tube transfer with blue and red alternating border,
> wording Dawley Shropshire. Head transfer light blue Ernie Clement
> diamond with red and dark blue alternating border, wording Wellington
> Shropshire.
> That's about it my guess is circa 1951 judging by the style, braze-on's
> and paint job. Very unusual to find a frame this original.
> Take care yours in cycling Mick Butler.
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