RE:[CR]Anyone heard of Rondinella?

(Example: Framebuilders:Tony Beek)

Date: 24 Aug 2004 22:36:21 +0000
From: "Michael Butler" <>
Subject: RE:[CR]Anyone heard of Rondinella?

Hilary is right about Vic Edwards building Rondinella racing frames he was located at Crowlands Yard, Justems Lane, Romford and was still building there in the early 1980's. He would build anything but his speciality at this time was ultra short wheelbased time trialling frames. Some with only a 35" whelbase. Was also using a lot of teardrop or oval tubing at that time as well as 753. My Father told me that Vic worked for Leach's originally. This part of East London (Essex) especiallly Romford, Ilford, Seven Kings was at one time a real mecca for lightwieght builders, Rivetts, Duckett, Robinson to name just a few. Sorry I can't be of much help on this one. Emperor Sport were about in the 70's as well I think they were in the Slough area.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: brucerobbins < ;
> To: < ;
> Subject: [CR]Anyone heard of Rondinella?
> This is a new one on me but someone has offered me a 1970s Rondinella
> which I've never heard of. I'm not really interested but just a bit
> curious...
> Thanks,
> Bruce
> Dundee
> Scotland
> _______________________________________________

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