Re: [CR]SD Vintage ride

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot)

From: <"">
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2004 04:13:29 GMT
Subject: Re: [CR]SD Vintage ride


I failed to look at a calander before making that pronouncement. This Sunday is the 3rd Sunday, so we should meet this week. Let's all meet at the "regular" spot at Balboa Park. That would be in the parking lot of the Automotive and Aerospace Muesums. Let's meet at 9:30am and be rolling by 10:00am. It's probably going to be warm out, so let's get out early and stay near the coast.

Please arrive on time (in English that means 9:30am!!) so we don't have to wait for stragglers to show up. If you want to drop me a line to let me know you're planning to attend, that would be nice.

No theme in particular for this ride; but if you want to ride your Greek built frame in honor of the Olympics, that's fine with me. ;-)

Sorry for the last minute announcement, but I've been busy kicking ass, along with my partner Craig, at work. Getting close to clearing out most of the backlong of difficult and/or complex paint and repair projects. Soon we will be taking on the world and turning out work in a very reasonable time. Start lineing up your paintwork and restorations. The framebiulding process is picking up as well. Before long, I may accept a frame order or two.

Let's see all of the locals out for a nice Vintage ride this Sunday!

Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA

-- Mark Wolfe wrote:


Is the next SD Vintage ride this weekend or next? Just curious, as it's the 3rd Sunday, however Brian Bayliss mentioned it was a week away.

Thanks, Mark

- -- Mark Wolfe Lakeside, ca gpg fingerprint = 42B6 EFEB 5414 AA18 01B7 64AC EF46 F7E6 82F6 8C71 Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother. - - Kahlil Gibran -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

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