I would like to propose a ride here in MARIN next SUNDAY,I have been talking about a PT REYES ride for a while and would like to propose a FAIRFAX/SAMUEL P COWELL/PT REYES STA/RANCHO NICASIO ride, alternative start point might be above WHITES HILL at WOODACRE (eliminating that first climb out of FAIRFAX and probably cutting a few miles off).Any riders from our last LOS ALTOS ride should be able to make the climbs involved(but reasonable gearing 26t-28t is recommended) (but I am betting someone could make it on a FIXED) Plan would be to take a refreshment stop at PT REYES STA then have a nice lunch at one of the restaurants in FAIRFAX on the way home. Get back to me so I have an idea of number who are interested ,start time would be the usual 10AM(but even that is negotiable)
BOB FREITAS who expects to be last up those hills anyway
H 415-381-4557