List members: My apologies for my imporper post of frames for sale. As advised by Dale (and many others) I am listing three framesets that I have for sale (with specific prices for each). Further I will provide pictures later this week to all who request them. If you have already written to me I will be sending you pictures based on your first e-mail.
First I have a Mid to late 1980's Richard Sachs frameset for sale as I previously described, and I'm asking $840 or best offer. Second, a 1989 Tesch 101 59.5 CM as previously described asking $450 or best offer, and lastly a Gierciotti I don't know how old (with a generic chrome fork) for $125. Purchasers will be responsible for shipping in addition to the cost of the frameset.
I trust this corrects my errors, and honstly fellas I was only trying to give
the CR members a first shot at these frames vs. the entire world on ebay--
Joe Casey
Exton, PA