RE:[CR]Pic of the Day 19th August (Coppi)

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing)

Date: 19 Aug 2004 09:48:31 +0000
From: "Michael Butler" <>
Subject: RE:[CR]Pic of the Day 19th August (Coppi)

I am more than a bit confused by this one, I always thought if it had road ends by definition its basically a road bike. Surely this is just one of his many road frames kitted up with a fixed wheel for track use? Why I don't know. When I saw him ride on the track he was using what I call a proper track iron complete with track ends. Did he ride on the track reguallary with road ends on his frame? This would have severly limited the choice of gear ratios he could use on the track by using these type of ends (especially if he used 1" pitch). Please help I would be really interested to learn more on this or ws this just a one off.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Aldo Ross < ;
> To: < ;
> Subject: [CR]Pic of the Day 19th August
> Coppi's 1952/3 Track Bike With Campagnolo Road Drop-outs, Revisited
> Pic1. Vel d'Hiv, Autumn 1952. Though not a complete image, this appears
> to be Coppi's track bike with the road drop-outs. That's Louison Bobet's
> pretty chrome "Stella" blocking the view. Anyone know who built Bobet's
> bikes? See next pic for a magnified image.
> um17&id=Coppi_Pista_Road_Dropout_1
> or
> Pic2. Detail view of the previous picture, showing Coppi's 1952 track
> bike with road drop-outs.
> um17&id=Coppi_Pista_Road_Dropout_2
> or
> Aldo Ross
> Blue Ball, Ohio
> _______________________________________________

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