RE: [CR]Classic rapid rise rear der?

(Example: Bike Shops)

From: <>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 15:04:13 EDT
Subject: RE: [CR]Classic rapid rise rear der?

Sheldon Wrote:

I reminisced:
>  >>There is a rare and quite wonderful Sun Tour
>  >>low-normal parallelogram derailer, probably
>  >>dating from the late '60s.  It's called the
>  >>"Skitter" and it is a brilliant desgn.

Jeff Noakes wrote:
>There are two slightly fuzzy pictures of a "Skitter" available at the
>SunTour museum:

That's a different (probably earlier) version, with separate springs. Appears to be high-normal, too.

I'll try to dig out mine and photograph it...

Sheldon "Not That Skitter" Brown Newtonville, Massachusetts +----------------------------------

I thought that the one in the photos must have been different from the one you spoke of... this one seems to shift normally (pulling the cable moves cage inwards), while you metioned in an earlier post that it shifted 'backwards'

Bob Hovey
columbus, GA