Re: [CR]What ratio needed for flat running fixed wheel sunday rider.. ..

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli:Laser)

From: <"">
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 07:20:40 GMT
Subject: Re: [CR]What ratio needed for flat running fixed wheel sunday rider.. ..


I like a 73" gear on my fixie for most situations. Gear selection for me depends on who else is along for the ride. A taller gear may be required if you're riding with geared bikes. In a group of fixies; it's all about who has the most leg speed and not so much about which gear you're running, most of the time. I frequentely ride fixed in "mixed company", but prefer to ride fixed when everyone else is also.

Speaking of riding fixed. Has anyone else read the collected short stories by a guy named "Mayonnaise"? Eight short stories about his exploits riding fixed in Chicago. Highly reccommended if you're a fixie rider; quite hilarious. The collection is called "Riding Fixed". My partner Craig brought it into the shop. He picked it up from a local bike shop here in San Diego. Well worth locating if you like bikes, riding fixed, and laughing your ass off! I plan on dropping him a line. He must be quite a character. He certainly writes funny stuff about riding in Chicago on an old Masi converted to a fixie. Check it out.

Brian Baylis La Mesa, CA If it ain't broken, FIX it. If it's FIXED, ride it!

-- Wayne Davidson wrote:

Hi all, if I was building a project bike for flat running fixed wheel riding on a nice sunday, what would you chose, I was going to use 47/16 giving 79", might be a little high, any input would be good.........regards wayne davidson Invers NZ .......