Re: [CR]STILL need help W/freewheel

(Example: Racing:Jacques Boyer)

Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 19:49:14 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
From: "rocketman531" <>
To: John Pergolizzi <>,
Subject: Re: [CR]STILL need help W/freewheel

Thanks to all who responded to my post concerning freewheel removal. I have clamped the FW tool for years with success, but that was with a Suntour tool with either 2 ears or 4 ears. This Shimano tool has splines, and it fits into the FW easily and quite snug. Even with a Skewer to hold it in place, it still "skips" on the splines. Maybe the problem is with the tool--maybe the splines are worn too much, although I have used that tool for years with success. I thought about spot welding the FW so it doesn't spin, then making a chain whip with a long handle----can you see where I'm going with this? I want to save the wheel--to heck with the FW--I have a drawer full of them. OR, maybe it's time to visit my LBS, although I hate to admit defeat. Entertaining other ideas or thoughts.

Pat Moffat Tempe AZ It's 92 F in the garage, and I'm still out there sweating and obsessing. And swearing occasionally.

-----Original Message----- From: John Pergolizzi <> Sent: Sep 16, 2004 6:59 PM To: rocketman531 <>, Subject: Re: [CR]Help W/freewheel removal

Pat Moffat wrote:
> I'm trying to remove a freewheel, Shimano 600 (model 6208) 6speed. I have a Shimano FW tool TLFW 30, and an ELDI FW tool 2646. Both fit the freewheel, (the Shimano tool is more snug, and therfore probably a more correct tool). When I attempt to remove the FW, the splines on the tool slip (jump?). Am I using the wrong tool? What recourse do I have if the tool is correct? I really want that FW removed. Any Ideas?

       Use the quick release (w/o the springs) to "hold" the remover in place. Snug the whole thing up pretty good. Once the freewheel is "moved" 1/8 of a turn, loosen the q/r a hair and continue to remove. After another 1/2 turn or so, you shouldn't need the q/r to help and you should be able to grab the fw remover by hand and complete the operation.
      Ifin the Eldi tool doesn't have a hole to which to run the qr through, then hold the fw remover /freewheel/ wheel in a vise(the flats of the remover,o.k.) and turn as above.
      Put some oil on the hub fw threads before reinstallation. Enjoy your new found freedom! ciao, John T.Pergolizzi Brooklyn, N.Y.