>From what I understand, the USBHOF does not maintain a researchable database of their inventory.
IMHO, the USBHOF itself is a mixed bag. It is really more of a plaque collection than anything. (Quite a bit of exhibition space is taken up by the plaques honoring the inductees. Repetitive, row after row, with little or no meaningful information about the riders) Good east coast material in the way of photographs and news clippings. Exceptional Frank Kramer items and some other random photos. Sadly, the majority of the jerseys on the walls, at least when I was there last, are replicas. Great potential, but very underfunded.
If you are in the area, it is worth a stop. That said, I don't think I would go out of my way much more than 30 minutes to see it.
Brett Horton San Francisco, CA
<snip> Does anyone have a list of what bikes or memorabilia is included in the US Bicycling Hall of Fame in New Jersey? <snip>http://www.usbhof.com/tour/ <snip>