RE: [CR]RE: Was: Retro cool then but not so cool now, Now: Campysidepulls

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli:Laser)

From: "Roman Stankus" <>
To: "'Kurt Sperry'" <>, "'KO Kevin'" <>
Subject: RE: [CR]RE: Was: Retro cool then but not so cool now, Now: Campysidepulls
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2005 07:26:22 -0500
In-Reply-To: <>
Thread-Index: AcTy511OL5jLDL6NTJuPdeigKQLY3QANqLMg

All I can say is that all you have to do is try the new brakes - there's no comparison - the new brakes work worlds better. I have one KOF bike with modern campy gear and 5 on topic old ones. I feel much more secure and safer on the modern stuff. The stopping distance is significantly shorter and braking pressure required is significantly less and much more controlled. I've even put some modern centaur calipers on my vintage bike I ride the most - again for safety purposes. They work fine with non aero NR/SR levers. I've always liked the looks of SR/NR brakes but a number of close calls this past year at speed have convinced me that my health is more precious than my vanity - at least to this extent. When moving quickly in a pack with others with better braking systems, quick stops can be scary. New rims make a difference also - but only my KOF bike has those. One problem with dual pivot rear brakes I've found is that they can sometimes be too strong and I've locked up my rear wheel more often than I wish with the modern rear brake. I recently replaced the modern rear dual pivot with a modern rear single pivot to reduce this problem. Others must have had this same problem for campy to offer this as an improvement to their line of brakes.

Roman Stankus - trying to stay intact in Atlanta, Ga.

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Kurt Sperry Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 12:28 AM To: KO Kevin Cc: Mr Donald W Gillies; Subject: Re: [CR]RE: Was: Retro cool then but not so cool now, Now: Campysidepulls

On Tue, 4 Jan 2005 15:13:18 -0800, KO Kevin <> wrote:
> Thanks, Don. You know, I can't understand the problem folks seem to
> have with Campy sidepulls.

Amen. I can lock either wheel with a well set-up Campagnolo sidepull brake at will with good pads. What more can a brake do?

Kurt Sperry
Bellingham WA