RE: [CR] Please allow me to introduce myself...

(Example: Framebuilding:Paint)

Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: RE: [CR] Please allow me to introduce myself...
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2005 08:38:41 -0800
Thread-Topic: [CR] Please allow me to introduce myself...
Thread-Index: AcTy4qWUSkgWGMRZTGSlbX/rPZjMzwAYYcXw
From: "KO Kevin" <>
To: <>

Sorry Brian, I didn't get serious into biking until I moved to Eugene, a very cyclist friendly town. None of my friends in the islands ride, and I am not there frequently enough have established contacts. Besides, seems that you and I ride about the same size, so the only one's that I'd pass on to you are the ones that some lame-brain bike shop owner added braze-on fittings to, or heaven-forbid, cut out the BB shell!

Kevin Ko Eugene, OR

-----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 8:52 PM To: KO Kevin Cc: Subject: Re: [CR] Please allow me to introduce myself...


Welcome aboard! Since you mentioned living in Hawaii years ago, it reminded me of a conversation I had on one of our vintage rides with one of my friends on the list who grew up there. We were talking about early 70's Colnagos and bikes my size, around 50 to 52 cm c-t. He mentioned there might be a number of small bikes there from various time periods that may need to be "rescued". I did score an early 70's Cinelli track bike from the islands a few years ago. Any chance you have any contacts there or know of any small vintage bikes that may need a new home? Just curious.

Glad you decided to join up and introduce yourself. Hope we can suppliment you interest in the classics.

Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA

-- "KO Kevin" wrote:
Greetings: I have been viewing the CR archives for awhile, and finally

mustered the courage to enlist. I just turned 50 grew up in Hawaii, moved to Eugene in 1975, used to race locally and was a partner in a bike shop in the late 70s thru mid 80s. I was a mediocre Cat. III, my strengths were climbing, sucking wheel and sprinting. While at the bike shop, I built a grand total of 7 racing frames, one that I still have. My current bikes are:

1967ish Cinelli SC, original paint, decals and chrome, mostly period correct pieces, uncommon Reynolds 531 frame.

1979ish Colnago Mexico, SR equipped except for Look pedals and Record Carbon seatpost and brake levers

1982 Kilauea racing frame, custom built by me (531, HJ lugs, Cinelli cast BB)

1987 Mercian TT "funny bike", 531Pro, lugless, 700c rear/650c front

1993 Co-Motion tandem

I only ride for fun and fitness now, and to keep my legs in shape for volleyball, which I've been playing since I was 17.


Kevin Ko

Eugene, OR