[CR]From the CR List owner: List participation and useage

(Example: Framebuilders:Norman Taylor)

From: <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2005 11:57:00 EST
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]From the CR List owner: List participation and useage

Well, gang, I have been traveling a bit and very very busy in the shop (337 riders at my Polar Bear Ride!) and I have been unable to keep up with the huge traffic on this list in the past 30 days or so. Looks like it's time again for rededication to some fundamentals... At the risk of being boring, I am pasting the CR list rules below. Please read over them to notice any points that you may have missed. Take them to heart and modify your participation to match these guidelines...

I must comment on a few things...

- Many of you are posting too often. Please note that the CR rules ask a maximum of 4 posts per person per day. This is a max! Some might reasonably argue that even this is too much from one person. There is a theory that if some of us hold back a bit, that would allow others to participate. I am not convinced that is true but I wish that it was true. I am sad that many members never chime in. So let's observe the 4 max per day idea.. I will begin enforcing it more vigorously. As always, the only means of enforcement I have is to eliminate members....

- Maybe it's the winter lock-up time that is affecting us, but I sense a growing and unwelcome contentiousness and willingness to argue and insult each other. Again, I will not tolerate that on the CR list and will boot those who insist on participating in uncivil or negative posts.

- Off topic escapades also are eating up band width, i.e., clogging our mail boxes and over-exercizing our delete fingers! If you are in doubt as to whether your intended message is On topic, ask me first, privately, before inflicting it on the whole list!

- We are up to nearly 1200 members now, so the rules are even more important to keep this list manageable and readable. PLEASE read again and help us all enjoy one another's company! I know a huge majority of you are considerate and do comply with these simple guidelines! Thanks to all.

Here is where the rules reside if you want to bookmark them for later reference: http://www.classicrendezvous.com/CR_list_rules.htm

<< Welcome to the Classic Rendezvous mailing list!

PLEASE READ the following paragraphs as they make up the Classic Rendezvous LIST RULES, which are a bit different from other Internet forums you may have been involved with.....

This list exists to provide for the exchange of information and experiences relating to classic lightweight bikes. Please note however, that this list is a privately owned forum which extends invitations to like-minded enthusiasts.

It is not a "public" entity where democratic rule apply. All invitees are required to conform to a standard of behavior. Because this list frequently produces a large amount of e-mail, many rules have to due with limiting bandwidth and maintaining civility.

- No anonymity please.. Sign off all posts with your real name, home town, state/province and country. If you cannot do this, for whatever reason, please do not join.

- "For Sale" or "Wanted to Buy" postings for items in the CR on-topic timeline only. Items must always include a set price and may only be posted once.

- The CR list is for enthusiasts to share and appreciate their hobby, conversely it is NOT to be used to maximize the selling prices of vintage bikes or parts. "What is my X worth?" is an unwelcome question. Please refer to online auctions such as eBay for that information.

- The CR list host software will not accept attached files sent directly to the list. Instead, refer list members to a web site containing that information or file (Use one of many free photo hosting services out there on the web.)

- Before sending each message, carefully consider if it has on-topic content, to avoid extraneous mail and over flowing mail boxes. Be concise and use a subject line that reflects your content accurately.

- The CR list is not intended to be a "chat list", but one in which every post contributes to the communal knowledge base.

- Please do not send "Attaboy", "Me too" or joke messages.

- Please limit your posting to a maximum of four (4) messages per day to allow others "space" to join in.

- Please do not "cross post", i.e., send the same message to many lists. If we take the time to read your message, it should be very on topic and unique to our list.

- Courteous exchanges only. The list is not intended as a debate forum. Passionate disagreements may not be indulged in on-list. . Members should be able to participate with the expectation that their contributions will be respected and they will be free from subsequent on OR off-list harassment. A CR list member will loose their membership if they engage in any attack or negative posts to or about another CR member.

- Optional upon joining, but highly encouraged, is for new members to provide a little profile of themselves: what bikes they have or wished they have, other experiences relative to these bikes and a bit about who they are... Check out the CR archives at for info on the rest of us. http://www.phred.org/pipermail/classicrendezvous

- While the CR focus is on the beginning of the Twentieth century to 1983, a few contemporary, classically made small workshop bikes are considered "on topic" here (if in doubt, ask the web master first!), but those welded, injection molded, or glued modern wonders belong in some other mail list. Ditto for mountain bikes, recumbents & balloon tired bikes. Those items have merit, but they just do not belong on the Classic Rendezvous.

- Don't hesitate to ask a newbie question. Everyone starts at the beginning!

Please contact me at oroboyz@aol.com if you have questions.

Have fun and welcome aboard!

Dale Brown, List owner >>

Dale Brown Greensboro, North Carolina <A HREF="http://www.classicrendezvous.com./main.htm">ClassicRendezvous.com</A>