RE: [CR]Chuck S. / Bianchi Team bikes

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content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: RE: [CR]Chuck S. / Bianchi Team bikes
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 09:28:38 -0800
Thread-Topic: [CR]Chuck S. / Bianchi Team bikes
Thread-Index: AcT4y9Vbox14qzFmSnKE/1EoYDltNAAAClRA
From: "George Argiris" <>
To: "greg arnold" <>, <>

What is the CR time line?

george argiris san diego,ca

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of greg arnold Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 9:26 AM To: Subject: [CR]Chuck S. / Bianchi Team bikes

Ooops - no subject on last posting
> Chuck S. wrote:
>> Mojo? Bianchi team bikes have more mojo than Masi or Cinelli. How
>> are you going to beat Bianchi's race history and teams going back 120
>> years??? Their race wins make Cino and Faliero look insignificant.
>> Maybe not many CR members have Bianchi team bikes? Who knows... I've
>> got mine and don't need to discuss them? Probably...
> I am a Bianchi fan, and have heard you mention these team bikes on the list many times ... Any chance of sharing pics with the rest of us? Except for published racing pics of Mareno Argentin winning the worlds - I've never seen any detailed pics of these bikes and would love to. Even though it skirts to edge of CR time line permissibility - would you consider sharing? They always SOUND so special in your descriptions - as I'm sure they are - It would be very educational for us all to actually SEE detail! Thanks Chuck.

Greg arnold nyc