Re: [CR] Alex Singers in Canada (was: French Bike Culture)

(Example: Humor:John Pergolizzi)

In-Reply-To: <BAY2-F3051B7FB2996AA8752BA6C838E0@phx.gbl>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2005 20:59:49 -0800
From: "Jan Heine" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Alex Singers in Canada (was: French Bike Culture)

>As a 14 or 15 year old, back in the late sixties, I'd ride my Dawes
>Galaxy to Bloorcycle in order to ogle the impossibly expensive Alex
>Singers. I wonder how many they actually sold - they were never a
>common site here in Toronto.
>David Currie - Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Oh, that is where Bloorcycle is. Ernest Csuka, the owner of Alex Singer, mentioned that they sent quite a few bikes there - in his recollection, the shop was somewhere in Michigan or near the Great Lakes! According to him, it was second to Cupertino/Spence Wolf in Alex Singers sold. A distant second, but they must have sold a few. Tell us (or me offlist) more about the shop. How much were the Alex Singers back then? I know a Toronto friend once saw an Alex Singer parked in the street. During my two visits, not a trace of them, of course...

Jan Heine, Seattle
Vintage Bicycle Quarterly
c/o Il Vecchio Bicycles
140 Lakeside Ave, Ste. C
Seattle WA 98122