I suspect this is the sort of thing that everyone thinks would be a really neat thing to have. But when it came time to pony up the money to actually pay for something they had previously expressed interest in, they would reconsider.
The market for rollers is less than it used to be, IMO. First choice is to be on the road of course. But now there are all these new training 'systems' - complete with video, varying resistance to simulate TDF road stages, simulated competitors, etc. Along with the various exercise machines, bike trainers, emphasis on cross training, and everything else; I fear the number of folks willing to pay a premium price for a set of really neat lovely wooden rollers will be quite limited.
And of course you have not even quoted a price yet! Just my opinion.
Ken Sanford
Kensington, MD
>I would like to hear from some of the lurkers in the shadows that are on
> this list about building these? Do they think that there may be a demand
> for
> something such as this etc.
> Peter Koskinen
> Chapel Hill, NC
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Peter
> Koskinen
> Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 2:45 PM
> To:
> Subject: [CR]Wood Rollers
> List,
> I have a friend who is thinking about making some wood rollers to sell.
> Now
> I know that New England Yankee used to build them in the 60's but I
> haven't
> seen any since. Does anybody have an opinion on these and if the response
> is
> favorable, should they be fairly easy to sell?
> Cheers,
> Peter Koskinen
> Chapel Hill,NC