Greg Brooks asked "what do the little screws do in the dropouts?"
Greg, those are used to put the rear wheel in the center of the chain stays. Framebuilders also like them because they make up for any inaccuracies in the length brazing in the chain stays. To make them convenient to use, hold the nut carefully with a pliers (so it won't slip) and turn the screw all the way in until snug with a screwdriver. Now they are tightly joined so you can use your fingers on the nut to move the screw in and out of the dropout to center the wheel.
Doug Fattic Niles, Michigan
Hi all,=20
While doing some winter maintainance on my some of bikes, I realized I cou=
ldn't figure out the purpose of the little springs on my rear Campy dropout=
adjusters. Every screw adjuster I've ever
had was snug, and once a hub is backed up against the screw I sure can't im=
agine it going anywhere.
So,what do the springs do?=20
Sure wish I was out riding instead of thinking up dumb questions for the l=
Greg Brooks,Ridgetop,TN
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