Re: [CR]Spec Weight vs. Reality

(Example: Component Manufacturers)

From: "Pete Geurds" <>
To: <>
References: <> <003001c506c8$e0ababa0$0100000a@home> <006501c506dc$18799480$c75f0e44@ownerejujeippx> <003701c506e3$f19f02c0$22e0fea9@man>
Subject: Re: [CR]Spec Weight vs. Reality
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 11:48:57 -0500

From: "P.C. Kohler" <>
> What relation to reality do spec weights (those quoted in the brochure)
> assume? And how are they usually determined? I presume with some arbitrary
> frame size.
> My '75 Raleigh Team Pro is finally "done" (well mostly) with a new 32-hole
> Mavic Monthlery Legere wheelset with Campy l/f hubs, Veloflex Criterium
> tyres, the correct Super Record derailleur, seatpost, headset etc.
> Everything in the '74-75 brochure except the titanium bottom bracket axle.
> So pretty much "spec". 59 cm frame so "average" size. Or is it?
> She weighs exactly 22 lbs. The specs say 20. Is this about average or do you
> guys have better things to do on cold, snowy days than to weigh your bikes
> and sweat such things? 20 lbs. is the spec weight, by the way, for the
> Raleigh Pro Mark IV of the same year.
> Then again, my pocketbook has been so much lightened doing all of this (ever
> get the feeling you actually just bought a frameset instead of a complete
> bike?), maybe the extra two pounds can come from that???

My calculator's not handy, 59cm is what 231/2"? You can bet they weighed the 201/2" model for the catalog. Also, cynical me wonders if the pump, and the clips&straps made it on for the weigh-in.

Pete Geurds
Douglassville, Pa