[CR]Announcing a new website for vintage bikes

(Example: Framebuilders:Cecil Behringer)

Comment: DomainKeys? See http://antispam.yahoo.com/domainkeys
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 09:30:27 -0800 (PST)
From: "Jay Van De Velde" <jaysportif@yahoo.com>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Announcing a new website for vintage bikes

Here's a link to a new website. It's still a work in progress so bear with me. My original intent was to just have a place to post pictures of my bicycles that's not as restrictive as YahooPhotos. After loading all the pictures there was still plenty of disk space available so I started adding pages. I still have plenty of disk space available so I'd like to try something else.

What I'd like to do is add a page or two with a webzine format. With guest articles, insights, featured marques, highlights of ancillary collections, Aldo's poems, Steven Maasland's Italian industry insights, etc. all devoted to the vintage racing bicycle. If you authored something interesting, posted it to the CR long ago and it's now buried deep in the archives, this would be the place to air it out again. Or something new - even better. Updated monthly, bimonthly or whatever, it would keep the website interesting and fresh - hopefully. I haven't figured out the layout yet, but I'll work on it. I am a neophyte when it comes to website building. I'd like to thank Ken Denny for this idea. Oh yea, heres' the link: http://www.theracingbicycle.com/index.html

Jay Van De Velde
Seal Beach,CA