Re: [CR]KOF styles?

(Example: Framebuilders:Tony Beek)

Comment: DomainKeys? See
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 11:29:12 -0800 (PST)
From: "Thomas Adams" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]KOF styles?
In-Reply-To: 6667

All true, but the original question was regarding possible sources of a KOF bike that would be true to the heritage of lugged steel while still being compatible with modern parts, and someone suggested Grant Petersen. A Rivendell (which is what the suggestor must have had in mind) would certainly fit the bill. And since Grant is bossing the business, he's entitled to a share of the credit for the frames bearing his company's name. Colnago, Hetchins, Rivendell, they all work more or less in the same vein, with different craftsfolk doing the assembly, but the big boss choosing the name that goes on the frame.

Tom Adams, Shrewsbury NJ

Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <> wrote: Maybe it would be more accurate to describe Grant as a "bike designer" or "bike manufacturer" than as a framebuilder. He is more than simply a bike marketer, in that he designs or specifies almost every detail of the Rivendell models. In this respect, his role is equivalent to that of Eddy Merckx, or perhaps greater, since I'm not sure of the extent of Eddy's involvement in the design of his bikes. Perhaps more like Ernesto Colnago, since Colnago is involved in design but probably hasn'y held a torch for many years.

Like Bruce Gordon, I's reserve the term "framebuilder" for someone who actually builds frames with his own hands, like Brian Baylis, Richard Sachs or, of course, Bruce Gordon.


Jerry Moos Houston, TX wrote: In a message dated 3/30/2005 11:22:27 AM Central Standard Time, writes: Grant Petersen???????????? I might be wrong - but - I don't think Grant has ever built a bike frame. You are correct ... but ... many believe that Grant counts as a KOF because he has facilitated construction of classic steel lugged frames under the Rivendell marque. Moreover, his unabashed adherence to the traditional ways, materials, methods and philosophy of frame building and design significantly contributes to the resurgence of interest in these frames. I've not seen a requirement is that a KOF actually wield a torch, and perhaps there should be no such prerequisite. Petersen has inspired many, and has almost singlehandedly recreated the 650B standard in North America. His place as a KOF, in the minds of many is secure. While I wouldn't clog the CR list with Rivendell bike discussions, (there are a number of better places for that anyway), there is a place for that within the community.


Carlo Carr New Orleans, LA



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