[CR] I Consider Mercian to be a KoF

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Cinelli)

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Subject: [CR] I Consider Mercian to be a KoF
Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2005 13:43:02 -0800
Thread-Topic: [CR] I Consider Mercian to be a KoF
Thread-Index: AcU3A8e32VXeZTEuTVGqHCVOU0sy2A==
From: "KO Kevin" <kko@ci.springfield.or.us>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>

Although Mercian is not a small builder and is not often mentioned on this list, I believe they fit in the KoF builder category. Beautifully lugged steel frames, handmade and traditional in appearance and geometry. My understanding is that they are still building frames using basically the same traditional methods that they have used since 1946 or so. I ride a 1982 Mercian Vincitore as my primary commuter, and I feel that Mercian is often overlooked. Would I choose a Bruce Gordon over a Mercian? You betcha! But as for being a KoF builder, I think Mercian more than qualifies.

Kevin Ko

Eugene, OR