Thanks for the info. Note the 1930s Brown Bros. extract makes no mention of EKLA however the 50s one does. Could it have been - much as happened to many of the French Manufacturers post-war - that they became part of a larger trading group under the EKLA name ? Perhaps Norris could firm this one up with his knowledge of the French manufacturing scene, or does anyone have a full name for EKLA (assuming it's an abbrev, like "Ofmega" in Italy) ?
Bob Reid Stonehaven Scotland
http://www.flying-scot.co.uk (mapped)
On Wednesday, Apr 6, 2005, at 11:46 Europe/London, Hilary Stone wrote:
> I think it may be possible that EKLA was the name used for these lugs
> in
> England and that they were made by Crozet. I have a new set or two of
> lugs that came from Thanets - they were used on some Silverthans. And I
> think I remember seeing AC stamped on them. The ones I have are not
> very
> accessible at present so cannot check but they are definitely cast and
> are
> of the type that the 1952 Brown Bros catalogue illustrates. They were
> in
> very common use by British builders in the late 40s and 50s.
> Hilary Stone, Bristol, England