[CR]More oldest bike shops

(Example: Events:BVVW)

Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 22:39:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: "tarik saleh" <tsaleh@rocketmail.com>
To: Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]More oldest bike shops


Googling "oldest bike shops' yielded a bunch of 1910-20 era shops, and buried in a pdf article:

http://www.cyclingutah.com/june/June2004Issue.pdf http://guthriebicycle.com/

Guthries in SLC which claims to be about as old/older than Kopps depending on how you count it. 1907 under the same name, possibly 1888 or so from the founders?

Other oldies, pre-US-involvement in WW2, NorthAmerican and obvious via google, there are a buncha british european and austrailian shops that seem to be in this age range, but I will let the locals comment :

Kopps, Princeton NJ 1891 http://www.pacpubserver.com/new/business/11-28-00/bikeshop.html

Hearns Asheville NC 1896 http://www.hearns-cycling.com

Savages Bicycle Center, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, 1897 http://www.savages.ca/about.htm

richard bicycles in chicago: 1910 http://richardsbicycles.com (your eyes might bleed looking at this site)

Diamond Cycle Montclair nj 1912: http://www.diamondcycle.com/historical.html

Faber Cyclery San Jose, 1912, defunct? http://www.sanjose.com/underbelly/unbelly/Sanjose/Monterey/fabers.html http://www.metroactive.com/papers/metro/02.27.97/slices-9709.html

Hazards Cyclesport, Santa Barbara 1914? http://hazardscyclesport.com/

Lees Bikes, Tulsa, OK, 1917??? http://leesbikes.com/site/

Yesteryear cyclery, New Bedford, MA 1919 http://www.yesteryearcyclery.com/about_us.html

Charles James Bike Co, San Antonio 1920 http://www.Charlesajamesbicycle.com/

Weirs cyclery, portland, 1925 http://www.weirscyclery.com/history.htm

South Side Cycling, St Lois, 1932-3 http://www.southsidecyclery.com/about_us.html

American Cyclery 1941 http://www.americancyclery.com/

I am sure there are a ton more, but that is all that was immediately obvious and Taxes are calling. Are bikes considered dependents? That might help me alot...

Is it really possible that Toga is the oldest shop in all of NYC? http://togabikes.com/site/page.cfm?PageID=60

There is no lawnmower/bagel/locksmith/bikeshop way the heck out in brooklyn somewhere that is 100 years old? Nothing even pre war? Really? Come on NYC, represent.



Tarik Saleh PO Box 208, Los Alamos, NM 87544 tsaleh at rocketmail dot com Bicycles, bicycles, bicycles: http://www.engr.utk.edu/~tsaleh/bike.html

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