Digging through the attic in my old house I found a few old racing pics which might be of some interest. These scans aren't very good, no thanks to the scanner at work, but I'll try again at home this weekend.
Racing for Dayton-Huffy had it's perks...
Pic #1 Steve Heggs gold medal Kilo bike from the 1984 Olympics. Not a "Ralek", but the actual Raleigh-decalled kilo bike which Steve Hegg used to win the gold medal in the 1984 Olympics. 24" front wheel, 700C rear disk (first disk I ever rode). Handling was outstanding, but reaching those low bars took some stretching and practice!
The rider in the picture had a 27" waist, weighed a staggering 125 Lbs, and just look at that dark hair with bleached pony-tail! I wonder what every became of him?
Pic #2 1985 Huffy "Black Bike" These were made for the 1985 World's, but were banned by the UCI, so we got to play with them for awhile. This one had Campy crankeset with DuraAce AX brakes and DA derailleur (rear only). Handling was decent, but the bike was heavy and took some getting used-to. I had this one for a few months and tested it on out local 10-mile TT course - took over two minutes off of my personal best. I've heard that Huffy gathered these bikes back and scrapped them all.
Note the snazzy custom Santini long sleeve wool jersey from back in the days you could order custom wool jerseys in batches of ten. I think it cost the team $40 in 1984.
Pic#3 Close-up of the Black Bike. The rear wheel was one of Moser's old spun aluminum disks, painted black to look like carbon fiber. I'll post detail pics this weekend.
Aldo Ross
BlueBall, Ohio