I should add that if any of you really like to climb we have just the route for you: "The Seven Hills of Attrition." It's going to hurt a little. Angel Garcia Long Valley, NJ
> Angel Garcia announced a month or so ago that there would be a Vintage
Bicycle Class/Route at this year's "Miles for Matheny" charity ride,
scheduled for next Sunday, April 24th in Peapack NJ. Is anyone else
planning to go? If you register online by Apr 19th you still get the $15
fee, as opposed to the $20 late fee (if I read the forms correctly). Mike
Schmidt (below) is going, and I'm planning to come. Anyone else going? It
was thoughtful of Angel to persuade them to add a vintage class ride, so it
would be nice if we got a big turnout to support this effort to recognize
vintage bikes. It looks like a worthy cause too.
> http://www.milesformatheny.org/
> Angel, how long and how hilly is the vintage route going to be? Do I need
a triple? From what I've seen of this part of NJ, and there's plenty hills
if you're looking for em.
> Tom Adams, Shrewsbury NJ
> Mike Schmidt <mdschmidt@patmedia.net> wrote:
> A truly enjoyable day. Next up, Miles for Methany Vintage ride in New
> Jersey which Angel Garcia is coordinating and then onto CIRQUE.
> Mike Schmidt
> Stirling, NJ
> ---------------------------------
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