Thanks for the advice.. seems there is NO perfect tubular except if yo u're cycling with the TI Raleigh Team and have that BMW with mechanics followin g at all times.
My problem is I've had two cases of my Vittoria Rallys (ok they're cheap and cheerful) getting what I can best describe as a zit. It's a blister or pimple about the size of a pencil eraser in the middle of the tread. No instant flat but eventually it pops. First time it happened on my Raleig h Pro, it popped but oddly the tyre didn't go entirely flat and I could ride
home on it. Yesterday evening on my PX-10 it was like a rifle shot (you know the kind of puncture that sends air up the back of your jersey) and that was it. Now, both of these tyres came from different sources one wa s 23 wide and other 21. Never had this happen before with these or other tubulars. Both occurred at about the same time. Odd! And annoying. I waited for the Peugeot BP Team Car and it never showed and I walked home. At le ast this was near the beginning not the end of my ride...
Peter Kohler Washington DC USA
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