[CR]Re: 2005 Cirque

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2002)

From: <BobHoveyGa@aol.com>
Date: Tue, 3 May 2005 16:12:11 EDT
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Re: 2005 Cirque

In a message dated 5/2/05 5:28:24 PM, classicrendezvous-request@bikelist.org


Tom Adams wrote:
> There's so much more that went on that I despair of being able to tell it,
> but I'll pass on two more nuggets to give a flavor of the weekend.  At t he
> Saturday dinner our table was enthralled by Senior Chief Robinson's (?)
> reminiscences of his days sailing submarines with the US Navy (sub-sub pol ar
> crossing, practice depth chargings with real depth charges (!?!)  and ma intaining
> that most vital piece of equipment, the ice cream maker).


That's Fred Durette, not Robinson. His first Cirque and by his account definitely not to be his last. I believe he felt just as I did last year, delighted to discover such a friendly and stimulating group whose members co ntinue to appreciate vintage bicycles (while at times enduring the teasing and derision of spouses and young LBS employees).

Fred suffered from the same attack of "I'm not worthy" that affllicts so man y first-time attendees. He brought a beautiful rose Cinelli ('72?) that he almost left in the car because he wasn't sure it would generate any interest

parked next to the other bikes. After a bit of poking and prodding, Fred changed his mind and sure enough once the bike was on the floor he was soon soon engaged in spirited conversation with several other Cinelliphiles who gather ed admiringly around his bike.

I'm sure I enjoyed myself every bit as much as Fred did. I've been an avid

photographer all my life but I think that Cirque is the only event I've ever

attended where I become so distracted by the pleasant company of fellow attendees that I get caught up in the moment and end up coming home with onl y a handful of photos. Sure, it's wonderful seeing all those great bikes but t he people is really what this shindig is all about. I don't know if I've ever met a finer group of folks... friendly, considerate, knowledgeable, filled with good humor, and all so incredibly glad to see each other.

Thanks again for making it happen, Dale.

Bob Hovey
Columbus, GA