Re: [CR]Top 10 Le Cirque Observations from a rookie:

(Example: Events)

Date: Wed, 4 May 2005 12:52:41 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Top 10 Le Cirque Observations from a rookie:
To: greg arnold <>,
In-Reply-To: 6667

Only one point I might rebut. Some people would not describe Jobst Brandt as a famous wheelbuilder or as a wheelbuilder at all. Bob Lickton once built me a very fine set of custom wheels, but I happened to comment that he did not spoke them the way Brandt recommended. Bob replied that Brandt should stick to his computer programming and leave wheelbuilding to those who had been doing it for a living for 25 years. I don't know how many wheels Brandt has actually built or if Lickton's comments were valid, but Lickton is certainly a skilled and experienced wheelbuilder, so I would not dismiss his opinions out of hand. I still use Brandt's book to build wheels by, however.


Jerry Moos Houston, TX

greg arnold <> wrote: "The bicycle enables us to escape many other machines: We use it for transportation, sport, recreation, and make it a way of life." - Jobst Brandt, famous wheel builder, and author of The Bicycle Wheel

Some quick Le Cirque observations (for what could be serious contentious rebuttal - but I'll take it like a man):

1) The CR group is the most interesting, erudite, focused, and nuttily opinionated group of people brought together, so far, by the internet.

2) To truly appreciate a highbred bicycle one must ride it. It is poetry in motion. This motion separates the CR listers from other collector riff raff , and makes them very special.

"The bicycle is a curious vehicle. It's passenger is its engine." - John Howard, U.S. Olympic cyclist

3) Greensboro is a beautiful place to ride.

4) Le Cirque could use more women.

5) The BEST FRAME BUILDERS NOW and perhaps ever, are in the US/Canada. Ok O K that¹s pretty sweeping, but Peter, and Richard, and Bruce, and Brian, and Ed, and Mike all bring an "A" game of detail, knowledge, historical reference, charm and ridiculous craftsmanship/artistry that is unrivaled. What great fun to meet them all.

6) French bike design has a subtlety, history and grace many of us were unaware of prior to this weekend.

7) The English keep the best records of their bike history and pedigree

8) Dale Brown and Scott Ramsey deserve huge awards of valor for going above and beyond the call of duty - as does John P. (and a host of other volunteers)

9) From a food point of view, Le Cirque has an entirely different meaning i n NYC. :-)

10) Finally you KNOW you are a true CR lister when one of the following happens to you (although nothing new, these were all relayed to me by different people last weekend)

The first thing you asked after getting run over is "How's my bike?" - your bikes are worth more than your car(s) - and you didn't mind moving further away from work so you could increase your bike commute.

Warm regards to all

Greg Arnold nyc