re: [CR]Guys and girls varsity's

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2004)

Date: Sat, 07 May 2005 21:46:14 -0400
From: <>
Subject: re: [CR]Guys and girls varsity's

harvey sachs wrote:
>>...and the special 10-kilo rustomatic chromed steel wheels. You may infer with high confidence that I do not belong to the Varsity/Continental fan club. Harvey, After about working in a Schwinn dealership for about 7 years wrapped around the 70's bike boom and military service, the Varsity/Continental fan club does not claim me as a member, either. Thank goodness for the occasional Paramount, Superior, or World Voyageur. Those Varsity rustomatic wheels probably violated every rule of good wheelbuilding. I'm sure Hearn's made no profit whatsoever on those low end Schwinns after the hours I put in whipping them into shape before delivery. I'm keeping one for nostalgia, if anyone needs a used Varsity or Continental frame, gents or ladies, contact me off list and they're yours for the shipping cost!
John Wilson
Greensburg, PA