RE: [CR]Cirque pics - details on the nifty Raleigh with box liningandchromed Nervex lugs?

(Example: Production Builders:LeJeune)

Date: Sat, 07 May 2005 23:46:15 -0400
From: <>
To: (Steve Kurt), (Classic Rendezvous)
Subject: RE: [CR]Cirque pics - details on the nifty Raleigh with box liningandchromed Nervex lugs?

Hi Steve,

Thanks for the compliments on my Raleigh! As Tom mentioned it is basically a "pimped out" '71 Raleigh International. Until I am ever able to launder enough family funds and sell enough bikes to buy a real French Randonneur bike this is a placeholder...and the Cirque did have a French theme so I felt obliged to bring it!

The bike was inspired by a beautiful black Alex Singer that I had printed pics of a few years ago. The paint is black Dupont Chromabase with their 2K Chromaclear top coat sprayed in my dusty garage. The boxlining was applied with a Bugler striping tool and thinner soaked rag to square the corners (and wipe off some particularly wavy attempts!). The downtube decal came from Lloyds. I suspect that it is a '20's Raleigh motorcycle gas tank decal although it is not labeled in Nick's list as such. The bike is equipped with Cinelli bars and stem, Mavic Racer brakes, SC 58 rims, Campy triple, Honjo fenders, and generator lights with internal wiring.

Seeing Jan's and Mikes' display of French touring bikes has pushed me over edge I am afraid and I am deciding which bikes must go on the block to venture in this direction.

Paul Raley Leonardtown MD

Steve Kurt <> wrote:
>howdy gang,
>Thanks to Chris for posting the many Cirque pics!
>I am slowly working my way thru the pics, impeded by my need to say
>"ooohh... aaahhh.... gotta get one of those too!"
>Among the many great bikes  & frames, I was struck by the following Raleigh:
>Can the owner or anyone provide info on this bike?  The Raleigh logo
>font is new to me, and I hadn't seen box striping on a Raleigh before.
>Original paint??  In any case, it's a beauty!
>oh.. thanks to Dale and everyone who made the event possible!  Even from
>afar, it's provided plenty of entertainment and lust.  :-)
>Steve "admitted Raleigh geek" Kurt
>Peoria, IL

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