Re: [CR]Tom Simpson, was ultimate French bike

(Example: Production Builders:LeJeune)

Date: Sun, 8 May 2005 07:15:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Tom Simpson, was ultimate French bike
To: Galen <>, "P.C. Kohler" <>,
In-Reply-To: 6667

Finish it off with a Cabernet Sauvignon - but a California one. The French keep all the good wine to drink themselves, and only sent the slop to the declasse peasants en Amerique, since they figure we don't know the difference. A California Cabernet may be a more faithful replica of the original than a California Masi.


Jerry Moos Houston, TX

Galen <> wrote: Peter,

Just remember that the Italians cheated Dave out of his finish, and in the end, he wins. . .The French Girl!

I just got back from a great ride on my Bianchi--would it have been better on the PX-10? Possibly even a dreadful waste of time on the Serotta? There you go--an American posing as a sophisticated European, with an perfectly deceitful Italian name. And we thought only the Japanese were guilty of guileful copying. Could this be the end of the timeline as we know it?

I think I'm going to go ride the Peugeot, and finish it off with a Chianti--I may never reach an end to this horrible dilemma.

Galen Poole
Jackson, MS

----- Original Message -----
From: "P.C. Kohler"
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2005 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: [CR]Tom Simpson, was ultimate French bike

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos"
> To: "Russ Fitzgerald" ;
> Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2005 4:02 PM
> Subject: Re: [CR]Tom Simpson, was ultimate French bike
>> I must say, Russ, I never heard of Simpson riding a Masi before.
> Jerry, surely you knew where this thread, like all others on the CR List,
> would lead. "What's Ultimate French Bike" well.. it turned out to be
> Italian! Of course! What were we thinking?! And, of course, a Masi. We
> have
> all been wasting our time and filling our abodes with all manner of
> machines
> from myriad makers and nations. For naught. Because, in the end, it's all
> Masi. Always. Ever since that damn movie, maybe before. I give up. Like
> the
> rest of you, I really yearn to be Dave Stollar. Honest. I'm even going to
> rename my cat Fellini.
> I even rode my Cinelli today not that nasty PX-10 that Tom Simpson (whose
> real name is Tommassino I've been told) and Eddy Merckx (who must really
> be
> Italian not Belgian) wouldn't touch with a barge pole. I think I'll get
> rid
> of all my French and British bikes and just keep the Cinelli. It's SO much
> easier. But wait, it's still not a Masi. I can't win. Unless it's one of
> the
> thousands of Cinellis that Masi made. It's not really true Masi made the
> Schwinn Varsity? I'll check the archives on that one.
> Tutti Masi abordo CR List, non e vero? Sempre.
> Peter Kohler
> Washington DC USA