Re: [CR]Re: Nishiki Sebring

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli:Laser)

From: "dddd" <>
To: "Classic Rendezvous" <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Nishiki Sebring
Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 21:02:51 -0700

Keith Bolog wrote:

> Can anyone tell me about the frame on the Nishiki mid-grade bikes like
> this
> one? It seems like a well made lugged frame and has a nice chrome fork.
> The
> model is a Sebring. Some of the components seem original - not high end.
> Thanx
> for help

I've had a couple of the Kawamura-built Nishikis from the very early '80's (Riviera, Seral), and have been favorably impressed. Much better craftsmanship on these than on their higher-end Competition model of the late '70's, imo. Nice crowns, good chrome and nice, if simple, lugwork. Paintwork was also exceptionally good by production standards, and has held up well. Important for me, since the only "repainting" I do is with a toothpick!

Comparisons over the years can be complicated by fluctuations in parts (vs. frame) costs, and some poor frames from the late '70's got fine parts such as the 600 (Arabesque) group.

David Snyder
Auburn, CA. USA