[CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 29, Issue 33

(Example: Events)

From: <cinelli@americancyclery.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
References: <MONKEYFOODZDgC81Tbd00000993@monkeyfood.nt.phred.org>
Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 14:42:40 -0700
Subject: [CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 29, Issue 33

Hi Ted:

I'd like all the benotto tape if you still have it. Also, I'd like the Ale clips too

Let me know as I might be too late to catch the good deals!


----- Original Message -----
From: classicrendezvous-request@bikelist.org
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 8:17 PM
Subject: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 29, Issue 33

> Send Classicrendezvous mailing list submissions to
> classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> classicrendezvous-request@bikelist.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> classicrendezvous-owner@bikelist.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Classicrendezvous digest..."
> CR
> Today's Topics:
> 1. NicK tithecott of Lloyds (Andrew Moore)
> 2. Gloria brakeset question (Peter Brown)
> 3. RE: NicK tithecott of Lloyds (kohl57@starpower.net)
> 4. Campy CrankArm orphans (Ken Sanford)
> 5. For sale items (ternst)
> 6. Re: For sale items (ternst)
> 7. Steve Kinne being sought... (HM & SS Sachs)
> 8. 1972 Derosa on Ebay & in California!!
> 9. Re: 1972 Derosa on Ebay & in California!! (John Pergolizzi)
> 10. 1955 Norman Western Flyer relisted on eBay #7154245315
> 11. Sonoma County Vintage Ride Sunday May 15 (Jay Sexton)
> 12. Ebay Peugeot Question (Ken Freeeman)
> 13. looking for gran sport rear derailleur (stephen fredette)
> 14. Re: Ebay Peugeot Question (P.C. Kohler)
> 15. Re: Nishiki Sebring
> 16. Re: Ebay Peugeot Question (Galen)
> 17. looking for gran sport rear derailleur (addendum)
> (stephen fredette)
> 18. Re: Ebay Peugeot Question (P.C. Kohler)
> 19. WTB: Raleigh-SR Laprade Seat Post (r cielec)
> 20. Sale items update and add to (ternst)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 20:01:01 +0100 (BST)
> From: Andrew Moore <admooreuk@yahoo.com>
> To: CR mailing list <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Subject: [CR]NicK tithecott of Lloyds
> Message-ID: <20050510190101.81780.qmail@web50401.mail.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> Precedence: list
> Reply-To: admooreuk@yahoo.com
> Message: 1
> Hello All
> Nick Tithecott from Lloyds always takes a while to complete orders.
> I've been quoted up to 6 weeks for delivery at times. As I'm in the UK
> I send a personnel cheque which he never cashes until at least a week
> after he's actual sent the decals to me.
> BTW he gets a little stressed when he gets email reminders.
> I expect to see him this weekend as we both usually ride the Reading
> Light Weight event (this Sunday), one of the many Veteran Cycle Club
> events here.
> regards
> Andrew Moore
> Wiltshire UK
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 20:09:19 +0100
> From: "Peter Brown" <peterg.brown@ntlworld.com>
> To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Subject: [CR]Gloria brakeset question
> Message-ID: <000501c55593$c90d1b40$50e51052@nonefpfvwek4mv>
> Content-Type: text/plain;charset="us-ascii"
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Precedence: list
> Message: 2
> Could someone please tell me during which period Gloria made their own
> brakes, or were they made by someone else and branded Gloria?
> Peter Brown. Lincolnshire. England
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 15:57:36 -0400
> From: "kohl57@starpower.net" <kohl57@starpower.net>
> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
> Subject: RE: [CR]NicK tithecott of Lloyds
> Message-ID: <222290-220055210195736606@M2W034.mail2web.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Precedence: list
> Reply-To: kohl57@starpower.net
> Message: 3
> Original Message:
> -----------------
> From: Andrew Moore admooreuk@yahoo.com
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 20:01:01 +0100 (BST)
> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
> Subject: [CR]NicK tithecott of Lloyds
> "Hello All
> Nick Tithecott from Lloyds always takes a while to complete orders.
> I've been quoted up to 6 weeks for delivery at times. As I'm in the UK
> I send a personnel cheque which he never cashes until at least a week
> after he's actual sent the decals to me.
> BTW he gets a little stressed when he gets email reminders."
> Thanks to Andrew and others for their guidance in dealing with Mr.
> Tithecott. Actually I never e-mailed him re. this order or indeed othe
> rs. I
> just posted him a letter and enclosed a NatWest cheque in Pounds Sterling.
> I did e-mail him re. 753 transfers but not getting a reply, wondered wha
> t
> was up. Anyway, they say patience is a virtue and the way this project (
> my
> 1980 Raleigh Team Pro) is progressing (or not), one is reminded of this to
> o
> often! I did receive today my Maillard dural freewheel from a Swiss eBay
> dealer so I can cross that at least off the list. Remarkable these
> things... 160 grams!
> Peter Kohler
> Washington DC USA
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> mail2web - Check your email from the web at
> http://mail2web.com/ .
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 17:45:12 -0400
> From: "Ken Sanford" <kanford@comcast.net>
> To: <Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Subject: [CR]Campy CrankArm orphans
> Message-ID: <009301c555a9$8b9aa910$6501a8c0@D5FSLZ21>
> Content-Type: text/plain;charset="iso-8859-1"
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Precedence: list
> Message: 4
> Greeting
> A couple of weeks ago I solicitied info as to who might have extra
> unmatched crankarms. Aim was to hopefully be able to make a few useful
> pairs. Unfortunately, the response has been underwelming. I know there
> must be more out there!
> Results so far:
> Type BCD Length R or L Condition Date Code Owner
> Strada 144 165 R NOS None Jim Kadonaga
> Pista 151 167.5 R - Brian Baylis
> Pista 144 167.5 R - Brian Baylis
> Pista 151 170 L None Ken Sanford
> Strada 144 170 R Exc 1978 Felix Chiu
> Strada 144 170 R 1973 John Squires
> Strada 144 170 L Exc None Jay Sexton
> Strada 144 170 R Good 1974 Jay Sexton
> Strada 144 170 L Exc 1982 Peter Weigle
> Pista 144 172.5 R poor Wayne Davidson
> Strada 144 172.5 L new (Recent SR) Peter Bridge
> Pista 151 175 R Exc None Jon Williams
> Willing to update if folks send me additional info.
> Ken Sanford
> Kensington, MD
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 15:10:42 -0700
> From: "ternst" <ternst1@cox.net>
> To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Subject: [CR]For sale items
> Message-ID: <004201c555ad$1b98a960$0200a8c0@D8XCLL51>
> Content-Type: text/plain;charset="iso-8859-1"
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Precedence: list
> Message: 5
> A few items , all prices plus shipping:
> (1) Kucharik wool jersey, short sleeve, unused, front and back double
> pockets, Kelly green w. white side panels, green sleeves, world
> championship striped piping collar and sleeves. A coup for vintage
> rides! $30
> (1) Regina CX NOS 5sp cluster,13-15-18-22-26, $25
> The following four clusters are so slightly used that with a little
> wiping clean, they'll look so good it'll hard to tell from new.
> (1) Dura-Ace MF7400 6-sp, 13-15-17-19-21-24, $20
> (2) Dura-Ace MF7400 6-sp, 13-15-17-20-23-26, $20 each
> (1) Dura-Ace MF7400 7-sp, 13-15-17-19-21-23-26, $20
> (1) Modolo NOS quill stem, silver, X-tenos model, 74 deg., 100mm long,
> $20
> (1) pr. Fiamme 24" Junior tubular rims, NOS, 28 hole, $25
> Thanks.
> Ted Ernst
> 4140 Via Nivel
> Palos Verdes Estates
> CA 90274
> Ph-310-791-5521
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 15:46:18 -0700
> From: "ternst" <ternst1@cox.net>
> To: "ternst" <ternst1@cox.net>, <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Subject: Re: [CR]For sale items
> Message-ID: <009c01c555b2$14c06560$0200a8c0@D8XCLL51>
> References: <004201c555ad$1b98a960$0200a8c0@D8XCLL51>
> Content-Type: text/plain;format=flowed;charset="iso-8859-1";
> reply-type=original
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Precedence: list
> Message: 6
> Thanks for great response. The rims and stem are still available, other
> items have been grabbed by the CR happy handle bar holders.
> Ted Ernst
> Palos Verdes Estates, CA
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "ternst" <ternst1@cox.net>
> To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 3:10 PM
> Subject: [CR]For sale items
> A few items , all prices plus shipping:
> (1) Kucharik wool jersey, short sleeve, unused, front and back double
> pockets, Kelly green w. white side panels, green sleeves, world
> championship striped piping collar and sleeves. A coup for vintage
> rides! $30
> (1) Regina CX NOS 5sp cluster,13-15-18-22-26, $25
> The following four clusters are so slightly used that with a little
> wiping clean, they'll look so good it'll hard to tell from new.
> (1) Dura-Ace MF7400 6-sp, 13-15-17-19-21-24, $20
> (2) Dura-Ace MF7400 6-sp, 13-15-17-20-23-26, $20 each
> (1) Dura-Ace MF7400 7-sp, 13-15-17-19-21-23-26, $20
> (1) Modolo NOS quill stem, silver, X-tenos model, 74 deg., 100mm long,
> $20
> (1) pr. Fiamme 24" Junior tubular rims, NOS, 28 hole, $25
> Thanks.
> Ted Ernst
> 4140 Via Nivel
> Palos Verdes Estates
> CA 90274
> Ph-310-791-5521
> _______________________________________________
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 19:07:06 -0400
> From: HM & SS Sachs <sachs@erols.com>
> To: Classic Rendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Subject: [CR]Steve Kinne being sought...
> Message-ID: <42813E9A.4070705@erols.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Precedence: list
> Message: 7
> Please excuse the bandwidth waste. Steve, I lost your email, and need
> your snailmail, and did want to send the copies of the catologue
> information for the Funkmeister specials (Sears Ted Williams Sport
> Racing, with Campy derailleurs)
> harvey sachs
> mcLean va
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 19:29:55 EDT
> From: LouDeeter@aol.com
> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
> Subject: [CR]1972 Derosa on Ebay & in California!!
> Message-ID: <1a6.37ac8135.2fb29df3@aol.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Precedence: list
> Message: 8
> _http://ebay.com/<blah> 9&
> rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW_
> (http://ebay.com/<blah> 9&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW)
> This 58cm 1972 complete Derosa should be an interesting auction to watch.
> First, it is the same vintage I think as the one that a listmember bought
> (just the frame) for about what the starting bid is, $2000. Second, the seller
> is asking a bit for shipping, as in about $150. I would think that would mean
> that the California buyers who can pick it up in Sunnyvale will be all over
> this one. Lou Deeter, "glad I live in Florida" Orlando FL
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 20:24:56 -0400
> From: "John Pergolizzi" <jtperry1@verizon.net>
> To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Subject: Re: [CR]1972 Derosa on Ebay & in California!!
> Message-ID: <010e01c555bf$dc6db920$2f01a8c0@D1KBTP11>
> References: <1a6.37ac8135.2fb29df3@aol.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1;
> reply-type=original
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Precedence: list
> Message: 9
> > "(http://ebay.com/<blah> 19&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW)
> >
> >
> > This 58cm 1972 complete Derosa"
> Somebody write this guy and let um know his front brake pad holders are in
> bass ackwards.
> And notice the heart cutouts in the big ring.UMMMMMMM!
> Good thing she's too big fer me. Ahh, I'd ride her into the ground anyway.
> John T.Pergolizzi
> Brooklyn, N.Y.
> 100 K today
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 20:42:59 EDT
> From: RalphSYJr@aol.com
> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
> Subject: [CR]1955 Norman Western Flyer relisted on eBay #7154245315
> Message-ID: <12f.5cf851ac.2fb2af13@aol.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Precedence: list
> Message: 10
> I relisted the 55 Norman Western Flyer 4 $ale on eBay Item number: 7154245315
> reduced.
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 18:29:43 -0700
> From: Jay Sexton <jvs@sonic.net>
> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
> Subject: [CR]Sonoma County Vintage Ride Sunday May 15
> Message-ID: <42816007.8050205@sonic.net>
> In-Reply-To: <MONKEYFOODLBBglhRPH00000917@monkeyfood.nt.phred.org>
> References: <MONKEYFOODLBBglhRPH00000917@monkeyfood.nt.phred.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Precedence: list
> Message: 11
> The Sunday ride is coming up fast! I am providing lunch fixins' as a
> thank you to everyone who is driving long distance to get here, so if I
> can get a head count, this will let me know how much food to gather up.
> If you were planning on meeting the locals, I'm sad to report that they
> apparently have conflicts, so I will be the only one.
> As this is my first vintage type ride, I'm wondering what to expect,.
> Ride, eat, b.s.......anything else?
> I'm excited about this, and looking forward to putting faces to names.
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 22:06:28 -0400
> From: "Ken Freeeman" <freesound@comcast.net>
> To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Subject: [CR]Ebay Peugeot Question
> Message-ID: <MONKEYFOODFRJrzdDW60000097d@monkeyfood.nt.phred.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain;charset="us-ascii"
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Precedence: list
> Message: 12
> This PX10 on Ebay (7155506133) doesn't quite make sense to me. The SN is
> 2845030, which the owner says is a 1972. The picture seems to show
> smooth-edged head lugs painted black, while my recollection (borne out by
> the references linked from the CR page) is that those lugs were a pretty
> curly-pointy edged Nervex in black on a white frame. Is this really a later
> frame? Most important, does in fall into the more laid-back geometries, or
> more upright?
> Ken Freeman
> Ann Arbor, MI
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 22:13:33 -0400
> From: stephen fredette <sfredette@earthlink.net>
> To: Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
> Subject: [CR]looking for gran sport rear derailleur
> Message-ID: <l03130300bea718eb7200@[]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Precedence: list
> Message: 13
> mesdames et mes amis
> having snnapped a gran sport parallelogram
> over the weekend i am seeking a replacement.
> this is for a "beater" not a show bike.
> or, if anyone has something they've scavenged
> parts from, please let me know. thank you again.
> yr obdt svt
> Stephen Fredette
> Hull, Massachusetts
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 22:22:29 -0400
> From: "P.C. Kohler" <kohl57@starpower.net>
> To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Subject: Re: [CR]Ebay Peugeot Question
> Message-ID: <002e01c555d0$6cdb5840$22e0fea9@man>
> References: <MONKEYFOODFRJrzdDW60000097d@monkeyfood.nt.phred.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain;charset="iso-8859-1"
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Precedence: list
> Message: 14
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ken Freeeman" <freesound@comcast.net>
> To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 10:06 PM
> Subject: [CR]Ebay Peugeot Question
> > This PX10 on Ebay (7155506133) doesn't quite make sense to me. The SN is
> > 2845030, which the owner says is a 1972. The picture seems to show
> > smooth-edged head lugs painted black, while my recollection (borne out by
> > the references linked from the CR page) is that those lugs were a pretty
> > curly-pointy edged Nervex in black on a white frame. Is this really a
> later
> > frame?
> This is definately a 1972 Ken or as definate as you can get with PX-10.
> 1972 was the first year I think that they used the simpler Dubois pattern
> lugs. My first PX-10 was a '72 with these lugs. Date coded 3.72 components.
> I believe the easiest way to date these machines is not by the serial
> numbers but by date codes on the derailleur. This looks quite original to
> me. Frame geometry: looks like the classic 72 parallel PX-10 angles to me,
> too. I wish I could tell you this was really built by Masi but I think she's
> a classic, lovely and wonderful plain 'ol PX-10 built by Peugeot!
> Peter Kohler
> Washington DC USA
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 22:43:30 EDT
> From: VN80PL8@aol.com
> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
> Subject: [CR]Re: Nishiki Sebring
> Message-ID: <74.53856867.2fb2cb52@aol.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Precedence: list
> Message: 15
> Can anyone tell me about the frame on the Nishiki mid-grade bikes like this
> one? It seems like a well made lugged frame and has a nice chrome fork. The
> model is a Sebring. Some of the components seem original - not high end. Thanx
> for help
> Keith Bolog
> Kenosha WI
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 21:52:32 -0500
> From: "Galen" <gvpoole@bellsouth.net>
> To: "Ken Freeeman" <freesound@comcast.net>,
> <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Subject: Re: [CR]Ebay Peugeot Question
> Message-ID: <000601c555d4$7ac78150$6101a8c0@MainPC>
> References: <MONKEYFOODFRJrzdDW60000097d@monkeyfood.nt.phred.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain;format=flowed;charset="iso-8859-1";
> reply-type=original
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Precedence: list
> Message: 16
> Ken,
> If memory serves me correctly, the PX10 went from fancy Nervex lugs to plain
> Nervex lugs about 1973. Given the usual French disdain for formal model year
> changes, this could be a 1972. It does seem very original, and although the
> description states a 31" standover height, it looks a little too short in
> the steering tube to be a 55-56 cm frame--more like a 52-54 cm seat tube. If
> it were a little larger, I'd be bidding on it, even if the guy who made the
> frame was named Jacques instead of Giovanni. They do have a very relaxed,
> supple ride, and that simple Simplex stuff is just bulletproof.
> Galen Poole
> Jackson, MS
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ken Freeeman" <freesound@comcast.net>
> To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 9:06 PM
> Subject: [CR]Ebay Peugeot Question
> > This PX10 on Ebay (7155506133) doesn't quite make sense to me. The SN is
> > 2845030, which the owner says is a 1972. The picture seems to show
> > smooth-edged head lugs painted black, while my recollection (borne out by
> > the references linked from the CR page) is that those lugs were a pretty
> > curly-pointy edged Nervex in black on a white frame. Is this really a
> > later
> > frame? Most important, does in fall into the more laid-back geometries,
> > or
> > more upright?
> >
> > Ken Freeman
> > Ann Arbor, MI
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> >
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 22:58:32 -0400
> From: stephen fredette <sfredette@earthlink.net>
> To: Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
> Subject: [CR]looking for gran sport rear derailleur (addendum)
> Message-ID: <l03130300bea724dc40a8@[]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Precedence: list
> Message: 17
> i forgot mention that i need a 1950's
> derailleur.
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 23:04:29 -0400
> From: "P.C. Kohler" <kohl57@starpower.net>
> To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Subject: Re: [CR]Ebay Peugeot Question
> Message-ID: <005701c555d6$26de6ac0$22e0fea9@man>
> References: <MONKEYFOODFRJrzdDW60000097d@monkeyfood.nt.phred.org>
> <000601c555d4$7ac78150$6101a8c0@MainPC>
> Content-Type: text/plain;charset="iso-8859-1"
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Precedence: list
> Message: 18
> My '72 PX-10 had serial no. 2724410 (metal plate on bb) and 3.72 date codes
> on the Simplex derailleur. This eBay one has serial 2845030 so I'd wager
> she's later that year.
> Peter Kohler
> Washington DC USA
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 20:18:44 -0700 (PDT)
> From: r cielec <teaat4p@yahoo.com>
> To: Classic Rendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Subject: [CR]WTB: Raleigh-SR Laprade Seat Post
> Message-ID: <20050511031844.29017.qmail@web52004.mail.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Precedence: list
> Message: 19
> Ahoy !
> I am searching for the SR Laprade fluted 1 inch alloy seat post used in the "modest" 2030 Raleighs (at least in the 1970's). To my limited knowledge, the seat pins were not badged as Raleigh. Just basic SR Laprades in I inch size.
> Thanks.
> (Ok - Experiment here - let's see if the auto-signature function functions or shuns.)
> Richard Cielec
> Chicago, Illinois
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> http://mail.yahoo.com
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 20:19:07 -0700
> From: "ternst" <ternst1@cox.net>
> To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Subject: [CR]Sale items update and add to
> Message-ID: <014701c555d8$31661e00$0200a8c0@D8XCLL51>
> Content-Type: text/plain;charset="iso-8859-1"
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Precedence: list
> Message: 20
> Something old, something new, all prices plus shipping:
> Tape: wholesale lot; 45 rolls plastic tape, NOS NIB, Benotto header with
> trade name and instructions. 21 red, 8 pink, 6 orange, 5 green, 4 gray,
> 1 brown. $20 for all
> Tape: wholesale lot; Hunt/Wilde, 27 rolls, all in original bags,same as
> Schwinn, similar to Gem tape. 18 white (ten in original box), 7 maroon /
> violet, 1 green, 1 sierra brown. $12 for all.
> Or take both lots for $30. Corner the market.
> 4 used GB stems, 22.0 -7/8". 1x 2", 1x 2-3/4", w. outside hex stem bolt.
> 1x 2-3/4", 1x3-1/2" w. recessed Allen bolt.
> $15 all four.
> 2 sets ALE alloy toe clips, silver, NOS-NIB, I-medium, I-long, $5 each
> pair.
> 1 Regina Superleggera hollow link chain, NOS-NIB. Box ends gone, chain
> is black color, fresh, with the connection section. $30
> 1 Regina Oro cluster, 6 sp, used but smooth and with lots of miles left,
> just warming up, 13-15-17-19-21-23, double notches are perfect, $12.
> 1 Regina CX/CX-S 6sp, std spacing cluster, 13-18, slightly used, very
> clean. $25
> 2 Williams chainrings, used but not worn, shopworn more than ridden, 151
> bolt pattern, 1x46, and 1x49, road 1/2x3/32. $20 for pair.
> 1 used Suntour Perfect 5 sp cluster, 14-18-22-27-34, 18 is most used but
> still very good.
> 1 used Suntour GT rear derailleur straight and sound. Both items $10.
> 1 used pair '50's Vintage Weinmann rims, 27x1-1/4, 36 hole. These have
> the old Weinmann through the rim logo. There are only remnants of the
> old black-red-yellow decals left. On the inside of the rim the Made In
> Switzerland black ink stamp is sharp and distinct. They are straight and
> not dented, will clean up real well. Included are two relic 27" Conti
> tires and tubes, tubes full thread valve, Schrader tubes should still
> hold air, and one Vintage Dunlop 27x1-1/4 high pressure tire and tube.
> The tire has the usual small tread split at tread and gumwall border
> but the tire is sound and will hold nice pressure to be a great tire for
> old display bike. Don't think I'd ride a 40/50 year old tire too much.
> You're also going to get 1 pair Schwinn Super Tour 27" tires also. So
> it's $30 for the whole shooting match, or kit and kaboodle, or ball o'
> wax as an archaeological lot. This Paragraph wore me out.
> Ted Ernst
> 4140 Via Nivel
> Palos Verdes Estates
> CA 90274
> Ph-310-791-5521
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> End of Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 29, Issue 33
> *************************************************