Re: [CR]Take two: Affordable DeRosa? Here's how!

(Example: Framebuilders:Dario Pegoretti)

Comment: DomainKeys? See
Date: Sat, 21 May 2005 12:48:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Dale B. Phelps" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Take two: Affordable DeRosa? Here's how!
In-Reply-To: 6667

Gentle reminders: there's likely twice as many attitudes as there are differences of opinion. Why try to lecture that fact away? Some circles see a lecture from a stranger about how they talk amongst themselves as an intrusion, not unlike people who move nextdoor to an airport, and then complain about the noise. I personally think the merits of a hobby promote itself, without a lot of incessent bleating about recruitment or the bain of esoteric membership: "recruitment." Frankly, if you're into a hobby because others think its cool, you need to arrange a chance to explain that live to David Letterman on his nightly funfest. But no newbie in town will plunk 7 large for a bike he'd be afraid to drive, anymore that t'other Dale's Ferrari example will become a daily driver on the I-25. Or maybe so. Ever move a stack of boxes and find a bike you forgot you had? For some of us, that's a balancing perspective - but don't presume to lecture my friends because you disagree with them.

Dale "glad my mom doesn't subscribe to our list" Phelps Longmont CO wrote: Yes, I'm obviously a newbie, hit return instead of tab.

Gentle reminder: The only way your collectable steel bike is going to maintain or increase in value, is to maintain or increase the number of collectors willing to buy it. As some of the older rider/collectors inevitably leave the scene, new ones need to take their place, or the market will decline. The best way to have an affordable DeRosa, Masi, Cinelli, etc., is to have no one interested in them. On the other hand, the best way to encourage new collectors is to be patient with their "stupid" questions, or premature atributions. Name calling, a sneering attitude, etc., should have no place in a list like this. If you find the question stupid, ignore it and delete the email. My mother taught me if you have nothing good to say, say nothing. I must say I get somewhat annoyed at the rude responses from some of the most knowledgable people on the list. There are some out there that have beem VERY helpful to me personally, as I attempt to do an at home restoration of a cheap '50s Frejus. Keep up the good work!!! I'm sure there are many more like me that subscribe to this list. I've found it to be an invaluable asset. New collectors are the investor/collector's most valuable asset, as even the "cheap" steel bike will appreciate with a solid collector base. Personally, I'd rather ride my bikes, but it is nice to know they will retain their value.

Thanks for all the help, Rick Olson Finally got a decent ride in today, between showers, Rhododendron, OR _______________________________________________

Dale B. Phelps, 303 939 6967 303 208 8664 pager

"Never be afraid to try something new. The Ark was designed by amateurs. The Titanic was designed by professionals." - R. Buckminister Fuller

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