[CR]SR BB question

(Example: Production Builders)

Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 06:47:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Tom Dalton" <tom_s_dalton@yahoo.com>
To: gpvb1@comcast.net
cc: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]SR BB question

Greg Parker wrote:

One issue, though, is that there are aluminum Campagnolo BB cups out there that were used for early '90s Record, which had (14) 7/32" balls per side. I'm not sure if the cups are any different (I hope not, since without a micrometer, it would be hard to tell the difference if they are...). Does anyone know for sure?


To complicate matters, the early C-rec BBs did use the SR cups, and around 1990, they went to the 7/32" balls. I always just assumed that the steel insert races differed between the two. I have one of each type sitting in a box somewhere in my basement, and I'll try to dig them out and compare visually.

Greg wrote:

Besides, the spindle was changing anyways, due to the 1977 CPSC-driven changes, so making it solid cost very little additional Lire at the time, if any....

Greg, It surprised the heck out of me, but there was a 1st gen SR BB spindle on Ebay recently with the early post CPSC markings (68-ss-120 +1.0 +1.5, or whatever). It was clearly a post CPSC spindle, clearly had the pressed-on races, looked like titanium, and took bolts, not nuts.

Greg Parker wrote:

I've never heard of any other titanium Super Record part breaking from simple fatigue (crash damage doesn't count...). There aren't really that many (BB spindles, pedal spindles, pivot bolts for rear der. - that's it. Hub axles don't count IMO - ever see one?)... I've never seen, or heard directly of a broken Ti pedal spindle, for example. Has anyone personally experienced one, or physically seen a broken one?


See, this is waht I meant when I asked, "am I starteing to sound like Parker?" But really, this is a very good point. I've never seem any Campy Ti piece that was broken. I have seen broken steel BB spindles. Obviously this is likely because the steel are very common, not because they are more delicate.

Greg wrote:

I'm somewhat leery of standing on an early SR Ti BB spindle


Both types of ti BB feel more flexy, do they not?

Tom Dalton Bethlehem, PA

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