Here's the blue and yellow scheme going back even before the PX-10.
Joe Bender-Zanoni
Great Notch, NJ
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ken Freeeman" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 7:15 AM
> Subject: [CR]Ebay question: PX-10s again
> > Hi, again, CR listers!
> >
> > There's a Peugeot on Ebay, claimed to be a '68 PX-10. However, it's a
> nice
> > blue, not the better-known white. Is this a PX-10, or something else?
> Actually, the original PX-10 colour was blue (with lugs picked out in
> I think) not white. I think the white (a take-off on the team livery
> to 1965) wasn't offered to the general public untiil 1967. So you could
> it in blue or white at least up around '72. There were also black PX-10s
> 1975. I've saw one in a shop around this time. Now, personally, I think
> only Peugeot colour is indeed that classic white, but prior to the mid
> it was that blue.
> Peter Kohler
> Washington DC USA