Re: [CR]Reyhand and Rene Andre bikes.

(Example: Framebuilders:Doug Fattic)

Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2005 05:02:05 -0700 (PDT)
From: "sam lingo" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Reyhand and Rene Andre bikes.
To: Norris Lockley <>,
In-Reply-To: <001c01c567db$7d37e100$91094d51@norris>

Now that I got Jan Heine's new book ,I know what your talking about.Reyhands,Singers,Herses,and others,I really like the way they did the index too. sam lingo,pleasanton tx

--- Norris Lockley <> wrote:
> In the course of my recent ramblings in France I
> found quite a haul of
>, before you ask Herses. But I did
> manage two and a half
> Reyhands - the half being a lady's frame which
> someone claimed was a
> Reyhand and someone else said was a Singer. On top
> of those I also
> managed to buy a very original Rene Andre
> Randonneuse.. from the
> original owner who had done just one tour on it
> since he bought the bike
> in 1973.
> The Reyhands are very interesting is a
> full bike... this
> one being 100% "dans son jus" as the French say
> about anything showing
> the unadorned wear and tear of a lifetime. It is
> finished in a dark
> brown over a thick red-lead primer, and has/had gold
> box lining. it
> resembles almost exactly the Reyhand in "the Dancing
> Chain", but has a
> pair of those almost flat "W" shaped touring bars,
> and the Cyclo gear
> lever is on the down tube, not the top-tube. The
> other departure from
> the Raymond Henry bike is in the fitting of the
> decals or in this case
> the decal on the down-tube. Henry's has one each
> side of the D.T while
> this one has just one on the top of the D/T.. much
> like Alcyon used to
> do in the 30s. The "Durifort" sticker is still there
> but showing signs
> of advanced wear while the minute head-tube transfer
> is intact but
> faded. Underneath the layers of caked-on dirt and
> oil, the bright-work
> is in very good condition, but the steel rims are
> covered in a layer of
> rust. I have removed the old hardened Wolber 650B
> tyres and cleaned off
> just enough of the dirt on the hub barrels to reveal
> the magic word
> "MAXI" has a homogeneous
> reddish-brownish look to it.
> I dont know if you see any of those greetings cards
> in the States
> depicting an elderly bike, often a twin-lateral
> model, leaning up
> against the sun-blistered paintwork of the
> wooden-panelled walls of the
> " Boulangerie", a wicker panier basket tied to the
> bars, full of flowers
> and "baguettes"...but I reckon that this particular
> Reyhand has been the
> male star in quite a few of those pictures. More
> about the other
> Reyhands later..
> Delving through the CR Archives for mentions of Rene
> Andre.. and I found
> two, both from the same owner or prospective owner
> of an Andre being
> auctioned on Ebay sometime in 2002. He was asking
> for info about this
> mystery builder. If that guy is reading this email..
> then get in touch
> with me.. I can fill in the blanks a little now. I
> aslo happened to
> notice that in Delong's "Guide to...." he listed
> Andre alongside Herse,
> Singer, Routens etc as one of the quality builders..
> so that might imply
> that there is more than one Andre in the States.
> Can anyone give me any info on this "constructeur"?
> Norris Lockley..Settle- sur- Ribble, Royaume Uni
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