RE: [CR]Vintage Campagnolo (Campy) FULL tool set

(Example: Production Builders:Pogliaghi)

From: "Roman Stankus" <>
To: "'charles nighbor'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: [CR]Vintage Campagnolo (Campy) FULL tool set
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 07:08:27 -0400
In-Reply-To: <001801c57c66$de2ac320$71bffea9@CharlesNighbor>
Thread-Index: AcV8ZoFv6DCAhmb6RHmKo2aSKacASgAMeX3A

Charles Wrote:

"This set was $3600 new in the 1970's. I am looking for best offers, no low ballers please. (offers should be in the $0000.00 price range, keep in mind that you can not get these anymore.) The set is great condition."

This price must include adjustment for inflation since that time and considerable sentimental value as well.

These don't come up very often so prices vary considerably on ebay - but that's where I got mine and they typically go for $1,000 - $1,500 depending on condition and how well the lister has described the item. A beautiful set recently sold for $1100 on a "buy it now" auction - but it went within a day. The most I've seen is $2500 starting bid that someone did pony up for at the last minute (desparate). These came in Italian and English threaded versions. These aren't made any more but are just as available as vintage bikes are on our favorite ebay vintage bike shopping network. "Hurry supplies won't last at this price" I'll offer $25.

Roman Stankus
Atlanta, Ga.