Re: [CR] Which would be better for a randonneur bike, PX-10 or Int'l?

(Example: Racing:Wayne Stetina)

Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 09:58:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Which would be better for a randonneur bike, PX-10 or Int'l?
To: "Cheung, Doland" <>,
In-Reply-To: <>

Either one should make an excellent randonneur, as both have plenty of wheel clearance, mudguard eyelets, and moderate angles. The only French-threaded parts that can't be replaced with English threaded (if you are willing to replace other associated parts) are the BB cups and the headset - actually only the headset threaded cup and and top nut. Stronglight A9 NOS (or maybe new) French headsets are still available from a few sources, and used Campy NR French headsets aren't that hard to come by, so you might want to buy an extra HS for future use if you go with the PX-10. There are also still Stronglight or TA NOS French cups for sale. Personally, I keep a few extra pairs of Phil Wood French mounting rings on hand.


Jerry Moos Houston, TX

"Cheung, Doland" <> wrote: I've gotten the bug to build a randonneur-style bike and was wondering which would serve me better, a '72 PX-10 or a '74 Raleigh International. With limited storage right now, procuring an additional bike is problematic, so I've got to make do with what I've got. I'm leaning towards the PX-10 right now since, well, it's French. Plus, it's ridden the least. Only problem I can see is the French size stuff if I ever have a mechanical, but being south of 150 lbs, I'm pretty easy on equipment. What do you all think?

Doland Cheung