Re: [CR]Cinelli track frame and new Ebay bidders

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Campagnolo)

Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 06:17:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Peter Jourdain" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Cinelli track frame and new Ebay bidders
To: Ben and Tracy <>,
In-Reply-To: <>

Hi, Ben--

I haven't seen your auction listing yet, but...

The only possible reason a legitimate bidder would stay out of the contest when fearing an illegitimate bidder is that, an illegitmate bidder, not of course having to pay, can bid as high as he wishes, thereby inflating the price of the item for legitimate bidders. The best thing to do is to e-mail the zero-feedback bidder, get a phone number and address, and talk to him. Then decide if you want to accept his bid, which brings up---

Option #2. As a seller, you do not HAVE to accept bids from bidders. You can CANCEL the bids of those who have zero or little feedback (or for any other reason you wish). You can then e-mail the legitimate bidder(s) and tell him what you've learned or decided, and tell him it's okay to enter the bidding arena.

Wish I could help you on the Cinelli I.D., but there are others much more qualified than I who, even long distance, can ask the right questions about serial numbers, bottom bracket, lug design, etc., etc., all hallmarks of Cinelli.

Best of luck! Peter Jourdain A fortunate Cinelli SC owner Whitewater, Wisconsin

--- Ben and Tracy <> wrote:
> I am hoping that someone on the list can help me
> with my Cinelli track frame
> that I am selling on Ebay. I have been selling on
> Ebay for a few years as a
> way to stay in the bike biz without having to work
> full time in a shop or
> some other aspect of the bike industry. I did that
> for many years and while
> it was great fun it is very hard to support a family
> here in Seattle. I have
> never used this forum to advertise my bits and
> pieces. I'm sure those of you
> who are interested in this Cinelli already know
> about it. I have been
> getting questions from bidders who are concerned
> because the current high
> bidder is new and has zero feedback. One says that
> he has seen deals go
> south and will not be bidding. They see this as a
> problem but I cannot
> understand why. I am slightly concerned because it
> could be a scam. However
> I think this is my problem not other bidders. Can
> someone explain to me why
> this situation would cause someone not to bid? If I
> were bidding I might
> think it was a shill bid, it is not. I know this
> Ebay thing gets talked to
> death but I would really like to know your thoughts.
> Also I am reasonably sure this is a Cinelli but I
> have been asked if I can
> "guarantee this to be an authentic Cinelli". Is
> there someone in the Seattle
> area who would be willing to take a look at it who
> can make this
> determination? This is the third Cinelli track frame
> of this vintage that I
> have owned. The two before this one were my everyday
> race bikes in the early
> 1980's. One of which I wish I would have kept. I
> sold it while I was in
> college to pay the rent.
> Thanks in advance,
> Ben can't sleep Spencer
> Seattle WA.
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