For those that have been keeping track over the years you'll know the journey M and I have been on. For those that haven't been around very long all I can saw is I'm one multiple moving monkey. Well we're at it again, this time it's Vancouver, B.C. In a week from today Mitzi will be officially Dr. Mitzi. On top of that, in September she'll be starting a one-year teaching position at UBC. The upside is moving to a cool city, and since she's being hired through NAFTA I get a work visa. The downside is that we'll most likely be moving again in a year and Ivy Cycles is going to spend another year on the back burner. I am building, but it's just a sideline these days.
Anyway, what I'm looking for is bike info on Vancouver. I know there are some listies are in the city so any inside info would be great. Are there any really cool shops I should see? Are there any "classic" bike rides in the area? Any other info I should know? thanks, Brandon"mokeyman"Ives digging around for a toque and learning to say 'eh' in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Nothing says yesterday
like something that used
to say tomorrow.